Sunday, September 21, 2008

I do already have a blog but here is my DelEmma:
I need a place I can speak freely. A blog where I can be who I am with my friends in person. My other blog while kept regularly is dedicated to our family. We post pictures of our beautiful daughter, tell watered down stories about our Loony Adventures but because of the audience we have to keep it PG and politically neutral.

I am not always PG and I am definitely not politically neutral.

I am an individual in a perfect family of 3.

I work, I play, I swear and I love

You can follow me if you like.



bigloon said...

The phrase "can of worms" comes to mind

Anonymous said...

Bring it woman!

Anonymous said...

Sarah...are you implying in your blog title that the women in your lineage did not work?...gardening, bread making etc...were not hobbys!...Rendering a 300 lb hog to make soap surely must have been labor...
So what is your position on our goverment spending 700 billion to rescue/bail the investment bankers?...Note bankers not banks...Grandpa Bo