Sunday, March 8, 2009


Nothing gets my heartrate up like a crash C-section. For those of you who aren't familiar with this concept it's basically a "We've got to get this baby out NOW" situation where they wheel mom down to the OR fast and put her under general anesthesia while everyone scrambles to get ready for a potentially really sick baby. The worst is when they start cutting mom (sans epidural) before anesthesia gets a chance to get there. I can't imagine what that feels like but if it were me I know it would be worth the pain.
Anyway, I'm usually pretty cool in a code. I don't yell or throw things I just kind of work. I feel like I go into distance running mode, heartrate up but not beating out of my chest. However, crash sections leave me a mess. I get flushed, my hands tremble as I'm trying to assemble suction and laryngoscopes, my heart flutters in my throat and then the baby comes. If it's bad I go into code mode and calm down. If the baby comes out screaming I start to cry and my legs go numb. I can't explain it.
Either way I have had way more than my share of codes recently.


Anonymous said...

Daughter...When I'm having a bad day I just put someone in jail for 30 days...try it...Do you ever get the urge to use humor? at the critical point say something like "Oh my God it's a lizard!"...or "Damn where did I leave the cork screw!" or if things get really quiet "Woops!"... Dad

Anonymous said...

And I thought my life was stressful! I am in awe of what you do! And I am glad that you can also enjoy life and family... you have it all! Love, mom.