Sunday, March 8, 2009


Well it's done. Our house is officially on the market and I am officially exhausted. It seems like for months strait Joel and I have been waxing, scrubbing, polishing, rip-n-renewing, sanding, priming, painting and more. As a result I haven't made it out for as many runs as I would like but yesterday (after cleaning the closet) I found an old pair of "Skinny Jeans" and I tried to put them on. They were basically hanging on my hips. Huh? What happened? I don't feel thinner. I feel like a primer covered, ratty haired slob. My only conclusion is that cleaning and home improvement in general must really burn as many calories as people have always said.


For 50$ anyone who wants to loose that last 5 pounds can come over and help me lay mulch in the yard whenever they want! :-)

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