Thursday, November 4, 2010

10 Things I Wish My Patients (and their parents) Knew.

Warning: the following is not meant to diagnose or treat any ailment, nor has it been approved for sale within the United States.

10. Corn is not a vegetable. Neither are V8 Splashes.

9. Baby Einstein will rot your child's brain just as fast as sponge bob, it just starts at an earlier age. Don't fool yourself.

8. Chicken nuggets can be "all natural" and "100% white meat" but they are still chicken nuggets.

7. Yes your child can get 8 colds in a year. No green snot does not equal sinus infection.

6. When you come 20 minutes late to your 15 minute appointment you are being seen out of the goodness of somebodies heart.

5. The problems you are having getting your medication filled are the fault of your insurance company. It's not as if they tell us what they cover (even when they say they do).

4. Adolescent depression does exist and it is very serious. Don't take it personally if your kid is depressed. It's not your fault (most of the time) and it's not theirs.

3. I'm serious when I say that your 15 month old doesn't need that 4am bottle of formula.

2. If you don't buy it and bring it into your home, your child will not eat it. If they don't have a TV in their room they won't watch it.

1. I'm not here to break the news to your 8 year old that there is no Santa. Don't bring him in for that.


bigloon said...

Sarah, you're my wife. You can just tell me these things in person. But thanks for addressing all my questions.

Marni said...

LOVE it. ALL of it. can i post it in each of my exam rooms???