Tuesday, December 16, 2008


If anyone is looking for a sure way to avoid gaining weight over the holidays here is my advice: MAKE CANDY.
No I'm not kidding. I had a day off yesterday and I spent the whole day in the kitchen mixing, melting, kneading, rolling, dipping drizzling and packing. I made about 4 pounds of peanut brittle, 5 dozen chocolate covered cherries, 8+ (I lost count) dozen truffles (mint, coffee, almond and orange flavors) along with about 3 dozen each white and dark chocolate covered pretzel sticks. I also have to finish up a few batches of cream cheese mints and peppermint bark.
And now, as always, I don't want to see another piece of chocolate for at least 3 months. I couldn't even get myself to sample the truffles and I have to rely on Joel's palate to be sure that they taste better than they look. I hope everyone likes candy 'cause if you see me in the next month, it's comin' your way!


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