Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fall Nesting

It happens to me every year. The sun gets lower in the sky, the leaves start changing and I start looking desperately around the house and yard for things that I want to change. What's nice this year is that I don't have to think about all the work I'm doing for someone else. I have a feeling we're going to be in this house for a long time.

So today I did a little planting. I uprooted some of the johny jump ups that had jumped up at the edge of the yard, separated out some Giallardias and planted them with some transplanted Daylilies and a few bulbs at the edge of the "Adeline Garden".

My Saffron crocuses have sprouted and I should be able to harvest my first batch of saffron in a few short weeks. It makes me want to figure out how to grow cardamon, coriander and turmeric.

The bathrooms, master bedroom and living room are on the list of things to paint and there are a stack of things that I want to frame and hang. Not to mention the hops poles that should be here in a few days...

But the hard part is that free weekends are hard to come by. Our next one is Halloween!!! And it's hard to do any of this with Adeline around especially 'cause she's so much fun to play with.

Anyway, it's fall and I've got the nesting bug...

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