Sunday, October 11, 2009

Under Pressure

What's the deal?
This weekend Joel, Adeline and I went to Grand Rapids for the wedding of a cousin of mine. All weekend long we got the "Second Baby Pressure." I mean seriously. Adeline isn't even twenty months yet and they want me to give her a sibling? It all started innocently enough with simple comments like "She's so cute, you should have another." or "save those clothes for baby number two." As if a second child is an inevitable event. Then the questions like "So when does Adeline get a brother?" or "Do you have enough bedrooms for the second nursery?" or my least favorite the "Are you pregnant yet?"
My nipples haven't recovered from baby number one and they're all pushing number two???? Doesn't Adeline need another cousin before she gets a brother or sister. Or at least a puppy. Don't I have enough going on right now? As if joining a new practice, starting a small business and raising one child weren't enough. And it came from everywhere not just my parents but grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins...
Then as if the pressure for another child wasn't enough then the accusations of pregnancy started. I couldn't believe it!! At one point after about my 4th glass of wine for the evening I had two family members who will go unnamed forcing a 5th glass of wine in my face and chanting "chug, chug, chug" to prove that I wasn't pregnant already. I refused to chug another glass of wine for fear of losing my ability to walk but the maddness escalated until a very nice uncle stepped in and demanded that it all stop!
How did all this start? Am I getting fat? Do I have a paunch that they all think is child number two? I can't blame it all on drunken debauchery though that excuse does go a long way.
Anyway none of this is helping the sibling cause any if for no other reason than it is driving me to drink heavily at family events. Maybe moving to Michigan wasn't the best idea after all. In the meantime I'm going to start researching raising only children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i plead innocence to all of the above pressures, though I witnessed some of them. I know what you went through! Love, mom h