Friday, October 17, 2008

My pager is off...

For those of you who know me well you also know that my pager is never off. I have been on call every other day for the past 16 months with the exception of 8 weeks of maternity leave. Even then my pager was on vibrate most of the time.

I am no longer a chief resident.

Cleaning out my office was strange and I know that my co-chief will miss me. I feel a little like the big sister who went off to college (again). At any rate I have closed that chapter of my life and I am excited to start the next.

My first shift is Tuesday night. Wish me luck.


'BOTB said...

WAHOOO AND CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When are we going to Don Tequila's to celebrate?!

lyssum said...

WAHOO!!! Cheers to you:)

Now, don't look back...I swear, just don't even think about it! I did it - but only because I wanted to reclaim my spot next to the best fellow chief a girl could ask for! Now, it is complete, and we will never look back. Never. Ever. Ever!

(good luck aflagg & amood! wahahahahaaa)

PS Yay for quiet pagers!