Sunday, January 9, 2011

Decisions Decisions

Not to many days ago I finished reading Beautiful Darkness (by Garcia and Stohl), the sequel to Beautiful Creatures. Both very nice Southern Goth YA fantasy picks. But now I'm in the mood for a little something different. I have several books on my nightstand just waiting for me to read including a few more sequels, a couple newcomers and one random grab off the shelf from the Hull Family Christmas trip to B&N.
I would really like to start reading this one:

Because nothing gets me reading like an apocalyptic, vampire-virus, fantasy novel -happy face-. But the damn thing is 784 pages long and weighs about as much as Henrietta H. Hippo. It's the kind of book that makes me rethink, albeit for just a brief moment, my stance on Kindles. I'm just not sure I'm ready for that kind of commitment right now. So I'm thinking I might save it for my maternity leave.

Instead, last night I started this one:
It's a literary-historical thriller centered around religion and cryptology written by a marine biologist. How could I go wrong? That and it's a much more manageable 496 page paperback with a weight class more closely resembling Giraffy.
Now I know it's a crying shame to chose the books I read based on pages and weight but what the hell. What are you reading?

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