Saturday, January 22, 2011

None Of Your Bee's Wax

It's become quit obvious that I'm expecting. I can no longer blame the bump on a few extra Christmas cookies, though they did help. I don't mind when patients ask about it. I get a lot of "Are you expecting?" "When are you due?" "Is it a boy or a girl?" "Is it your first?" I'm obviously pretty excited about having another baby so I really don't mind this line of questioning.

But yesterday a mother who I have seen with her children only once or twice before asked me; "Was this a planned pregnancy?"


Nobody but my OB has ever asked me that. I don't think I would have been uncomfortable if a friend or a family member had asked me this but a patient? eek

So what else could I say but "Yes" followed closely by "Keep Johny out of school one more day and here is your slip for checkout."

But it made me wonder, should I be answering any of these questions if I don't feel comfortable answering all of them? Is there a line in the sand when it comes to the Doctor Patient Relationship and such things? And if there is who crossed it? Me by being open about some things or her by crossing a line I had arbitrarily drawn?

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