Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Can't Remember

For the past year and a half I have worked full time. Since then my wonderful husband Joel has taken over the household duties in addition to starting our hops farm. At times in the summer he is as busy if not more so than I am but in the winter things have died down. Today as I considered going grocery shopping I realized that there are several household chores that I haven't done in ages.

For example, I can't remember the last time I:

-made a dinner from scratch
-did a full weekly meal planning and grocery shopping
-cleaned a toilet (or a sink or a shower)
-paid a bill
-collected chicken eggs
-bought toilet paper
-shoveled or blew snow (believe it or not I did this on a semi-regular basis when we lived in Cleveland)
-did dishes (not including starting the dishwasher)
-filled up my own gas tank, or got my oil changed, or my snow tires switched out
-cleaned kitty litter
-mopped a floor

As I look at the list above I can't help feel a little guilty and even a tad bit useless. I used to have a pretty good grasp of what was going on around the house. Now I don't even know where the new kitty litter is kept or what our last electric bill looked like. I can't tell you if we have any pasta sauce in the freezer or where the vacuum is.
I still do some laundry and run errands with Adeline on my days off. I love to stuff cloth diapers and water the plants but I'm otherwise incredibly disconnected from the house. As a woman raised by a feminist I really shouldn't feel any guilt about all of this but I do.
Why? And does my guilt mean I should be doing more?


bigloon said...

Why would there be pasta sauce in the freezer?

Sarah said...

Because in a brief moment of productivity, I made some sauce from our homegrown tomatoes and froze it.

Unknown said...

Because there is nothing wrong with not having cleaned a toilet in approximately 15 years, I say no guilt. When your feminist mother's brother will do that for me, I say "thank you, Mother-in-law - thank you.